Friday, June 06, 2008

Last Day

  1. H/I Cover Letter
  2. H/I "Second Chance" Draft?
  3. Essays must include my comments
  4. Paper clips/staples
  5. Due Monday by Noon at my office.
  6. Complete Feedback.
  7. Return of Essays, etc
    1. First week of Summer Quarter—ask Kelley in English Department.
    2. Grades mostly.
    3. For more feedback from me, bring your essay in and we'll go over it.
  8. Grades due Next Friday, posted online under schedule that day
  9. My schedule
    1. Fall: English 101x3 and Creative Writing.
    2. Winter 102x3
    3. Spring 70 x2 and Creative Writing
  10. Also, you can ask about anything anytime.
  11. You can say hi to me on campus. Say your name and I'll say mine.
  12. You can say hi to each other.
  13. Andy Blevins' story.
    1. One in there Americans in their mid-twenties attended but did not finish college.
    2. Only 41 percent of low-income students entering a four year college managed to graduate within five years. (66% of high income did).
    3. 75 percent of students enrolling in community colleges said they hoped to transfer to a four year institution. But only 17 percent of those made the switch within five year. The rest were out working or still studying toward the two year degree.
    4. This is not the path you are on.

 This is the path you are on.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Business Letter Format

Here's one.
Here's another.

Steak Knives

Round One

Monday: Final, Final Draft of One Essay Due. You MUST INCLUDE with it the draft with my comments (Draft 2) and the rubric with your score for this essay to be considered.

  1. H/I Portfolio Revision Worksheet.
  2. MLA DeathMatch 2008.
    1. Four Teams enter, one team leaves
    2. First Prize: 5 BP
    3. Second Prize: Steak Knives
    4. Third Prize: You're fired
    5. It's on…
  3. The Final Week—Special Guest Leon Lett will be here Wednesday
    1. Wednesday: Peer Editing, Bring two copies of Final, Final Rough Draft or Cover letter
    2. Thursday: MLA DeathMatch 2008, Round Two

Round One

Monday: Final, Final Draft of One Essay Due. You MUST INCLUDE with it the draft with my comments (Draft 2) and the rubric with your score for this essay to be considered.

  1. H/I Portfolio Revision Worksheet.
  2. MLA DeathMatch 2008.
    1. Four Teams enter, one team leaves
    2. First Prize: 5 BP
    3. Second Prize: Steak Knives
    4. Third Prize: You're fired
    5. It's on…
  3. The Final Week—Special Guest Leon Lett will be here Wednesday
    1. Wednesday: Peer Editing, Bring two copies of Final, Final Rough Draft or Cover letter
    2. Thursday: MLA DeathMatch 2008, Round Two

Monday, June 02, 2008

Cost of War part 2

Cost of War

Day 42

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 42 Spring 2008

Race/Addiction/Delayed Gratification

College Money


Revision Notes

Work on Portfolio Revision Worksheet

"How Can We Duplicate" revision is due
ONLY IF you are interested in using this essay as your final, final essay. This gives me time to respond and you time to revise it.

If you KNOW you are revising a different essay, (N &D or TWIF) Revised "How Can We Duplicate" Essay is not due until THURSDAY.

Either way, it's 40 points.

Tuesday: MLADM2K8R1, Revision Worksheet due.

Wednesday: Peer Editing—either cover letter or final, final draft.

Thursday: MLADM2K8R2: The Reckoning. Plus: Revised "How Can We Duplicate" Essay due.

Friday: Last Day of class, Cover Letter Due

Monday (June 9th): Second Chance essays due by noon.

What we can do to increase mobility?

Pick and choose from all three books

  1. What can the government do? Why do we like this answer?
  2. What can the culture do?
  3. What is up to the individual?
  4. What can't we duplicate?
  5. What's wrong with saying: Marriage
    1. Why are we afraid of saying, Get married?
  6. What's wrong with saying: Public Housing/Childcare/Transportation
    1. Why are we cheap on these issues?
    2. Where would the money come from?

These will be form your thesis and should be your topic sentences.

Then, as secondary support, use examples from the texts to show how these ideas would have/do help actual people on the bottom rung. (Angela Whitiker, Juan Peralta, Holly, Gail, Barbara Ehrenreich etc)

MLA In text and Works Cited expected in revised draft.