Friday, January 12, 2007

Lesson Plan Friday, Day 8

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 8

1. Quiz, Names/Faces

  1. Selling in Minnesota, footnotes and study questions

3. Handout essay options and read solo.

4. Free write for five minutes about the options.

5. Discuss at tables what looks interesting to you.

6. Meet in groups to discuss your second choice.

7. Meet in groups to discuss your first choice.


Choose an essay topic by Monday.

The first chapter we will read in The World is Flat (TWIF) is “While I Was Sleeping” We won’t be discussing it for a while, but you can start now and try to get ahead.

Outline of Evaluation Chapter, using the questions below

2. Outline the following, according to the EVALUATION CHAPTER:

a. How did she do as a worker?

b. How did she do at “life in general”?

c. Why are the official poverty rates misleading?

d. If productivity is increasing, why aren’t wages?

e. What keeps the workers from finding better jobs? Where is the friction?

f. Explain the “vicious cycle” of labor costs described by the book.

g. What makes the working poor invisible?

h. List some of the complaints the middle and upper class have about the

working poor.

i. Summarize the problems facing the working poor.

j. What are the solutions to these problems?

k. What are the objections to these solutions?

l. Why does Ehrenreich call the working poor the most philanthropic of all

social classes?


Jan 16th: Prewrite on which question to take on.

Jan. 17th: Complete discussion of Nickel and Dimed. My best shot at what’s a good paper.

January 18th: Paper format. Research. Writing. (lab)

January 19rd: Outline of your essay.

January 22th: Rough Draft Due. Bring four copies for peer editing.

January 23th: Complete Peer Editing. Introduction to using sources.

January 24th: Sources continued. How to integrate.

January 26th: Draft Two Due. Bring two copies.

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