Thursday, March 03, 2011

Portfolio Review

Portfolio Revision Worksheet Due Tuesday—Answer on a separate piece of paper
11 prewriting points

1. Which essay do you think is strongest? Explain your answer in detail, including a quote or paraphrase from the essay.

2. Did your peer readers agree with your assessment? What did I have to say about the essay? Paraphrase or quote from a peer and from something I wrote to support your answer.

3. What is your weakest essay? Explain why you think it’s weak, using quotes or paraphrase.

4. Did your peer readers agree that it was your weakest? What did I have to say? Paraphrase or quote from a peer and from something I wrote to support your answer.

5. What revision would you need to make to the Education assignment? List all the tasks you would need to complete.

6. What revision would you need to make to Business assignment?

7. What revision would you need to make to the Angela Whitiker assignment?

8. What’s the most frustrating part of writing for you? What’s the hardest part about writing?

9. What do you still need to work on?

10. What are your strengths as a writer?

11. What do you like about writing? What’s the most satisfying part of writing for you?


Unknown said...

After doing this portfolio review, (my second with Mr. Peters), I can see where my strenghts and weaknesses are as a writer. I tend to get good remarks on my introduction, thesis, and conclusions, but tend to lose readers attention in some of the body paragraphs.

Swayze said...

I wrote my portfolio review and reviewing my previous peer editing comments were helpful with the current essay I am writing.