Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Mash up, Chaplin and Walmart


E=mc2 said...

This was soooo funny. First of all, the smiley face just didn't quite go with the speech. Also, at the very end after all the applause, Smiley seems desperate for Hannah, and the graphics are cool.

Unknown said...

I thought it was weird how the smiley's eyes were twitching the whole time... And I loved how it was condradicting Wal-Mart so much. lol

F.F.K.Larson said...

Interesting, a bit extreme. I found it very entertaining. I do beleive walmart does bring as much good to the area as it does 'bad'. As a firefighter walmart donates huge amounts of supplies and extras to us at any large events when they have a store nearby.