English 102 Winter 2011 Day 23
1. Bonus Points?
2. 1030 essays done—some notes.
3. This is Not a Test, notes and discussion.
Since the book was written?
1. Inspiration v. Fearful?
2. Energy independence?
3. Healthcare?
4. Control immigration?
5. K-14 or Tertiary education?
In topic groups on Giant stickies:
Put the topic you are interested in at the top.
List the categories of “Untouchable” jobs that will be created/needed in the valley by this flat world change:
Collaborators and orchestrators
Green People
Passionate Personalizers
Math Lovers
List the rules of “How Companies Cope” that your choice of topic should be following in order to compete in the new flat world:
Rule #1: When the world it flat, whatever can be done will be done. The only question is whether it will be done by you or to you.
Rule #2: Because we are in a world where whatever can be done will be done, the most important competition today is between you and your own imagination.
Rule #3: And the small shall act big…One way small companies flourish in the flat world is by learning to act really big. Imagination is necessary, but not sufficient. You have to be able to implement what you imagine. And the key to being small and acting big is being quick to take advantage of all the new tools for collaboration to reach farther, faster, wider and deeper.
Rule #4: And the big shall act small…One way that big companies learn to flourish in the flat world is by learning how to act really small by enabling their customers to act really big.
Rule #5: The best companies are the best collaborators. In the flat world, more and more business will be done through collaboration within and between companies, for a very simple reason: The next layers of value creation—whether in technology, marketing, biomedicine, or manufacturing—are becoming so complex that no single firm or department is going to be able to master them alone.
Rule #7: The best companies outsource to win, not to shrink. They outsource to innovate faster and more cheaply in order to grow larger, gain market share and hire more and different specialists—not to save money by firing more people.
Rule #8: How you do things as a company matters more today than ever.
Rule #9: When the world goes flat—and you are feeling flattened—reach for a shovel and dig inside yourself. Don’t try to build walls.
Homework for tomorrow: Pick a topic. Read Class Matters "The College Dropout Boom"
The comments that you wrote on my essay were very helpful. I'm glad that you take the time to go through all of the essays and not just put a grade on them.
I agree Emily.. all the comments that Mr. Peter wrote on our papers were really helpful. They make sense and they will be very helpful for the revision.
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