Friday, March 06, 2009

This will blow your ever loving mind

The flat world remix.

When I stumbled on this last night, it had 2300 views.

Just so it's clear what you're looking at:
The guy splices together youtube clips, samples them. The original artists are completely unconnected from the arrangement.
There are synthesizers and then there are synthesizers.
Here he is "explaining" the project:

When I stumbled on this last night, 400 people had seen it.
Keep an eye on that over the weekend.

There's also this site, Omar and Jimmy take note:
Here's the founder on Colbert Report


steve said...

WOW! That’s really all you can say about that mix. That must have taken that guy months to sort all that out. The nice thing there is that he doesn’t have to worry about being sued because none of those musicians are under any copyright law.

Dianna said...

I am sorry but that guy looks like a rapist, he sits at home all day alone with his cat and remixes stuff. He is not getting paid, so I am wondering if he wants anything out of this remix or nothing at all besides fame and maybe being discovered to remix tapes and make a living. I will always, after this class, be looking for new jobs that are being created because of our technology and future that is disassembled. As Friedman says, something like, most jobs that people are going to be working, have not even been created yet.

Dianna said...

OMG, I was just watching Top Chief and one of Carla's fans, remixed a picture of her using the same pattern that is being used for Obama's picture, (the red, blue, and white pattern). Now, who is responsible for that copy right law of the idea of using American colors and applying them to the next president's picture? That was really crazy that I just saw that!

Eric Manzo said...

This is an awesome remix. I enjoyed it very much. I don't think what he did is wrong as long as none of the work is copyrighted. Matt said it none of those musicians are under copyright laws so to bad for them. At least some of those artists will get a lot more recognition. There is always a positive side to all this.

Dianna said...

Does anyone know just how to go about to get work copyright? How much, how long does it take, does it ever wear off?

kristina.s.ballasiotes said...

I know you have to have a lawyer and it involves alot of leagle stuff. I dont if a copyright can ever go away. I htink people just pay you to use your idea.

Anonymous said...

I think what this guy did was really cool. I can understand why people don't want their posts on youtube used in his remixes. But if someone does not want this to happen to their videos then they shouldn't post them on the internet.

Alycia said...

Hm its crazy to think that someone can sit at home all day, mix tapes, not get paid and not be crossing the law. I mean, if this guy can be this'd think he would stop smoking and playing with cats and get up and earn a living!

JCampos said...

I wonder if this Kutiman guy dude has a regular job. He has all of these hi-tech and really expensive equipment, so i am thinking he has to get some kind of money from somewhere. For a guy that is as talented as he is it would be a waste if he was just a bum who lives at home with his rich parents and mixes foreign tapes all day for no source of income.

Kirsten said...

So if I were to look for his mixes and download them off LimeWire would it still be illegal? haha....just kidding....i would never download music illegaly ;]

Dianna said...

Exactely like I could take Matts quote (the first one) and type...WOW! That’s really all you can say about that mix. That must have taken that guy months to sort all that out. The nice thing there is that he doesn’t have to worry about being sued because none of those musicians are under any copyright law...what he said but now I said it so its mine now!!! lol

SamWofford said...

Okay, to me, this was the dumbest thing ever, this guy has no life. hes not even making money so how does he support himself? I feel dumber for having watched this.

kristine lefors said...

These videos are amazing! but how long could this of taken?, a bit too long for me. I heard that the software to do this is really really really expensive.

Unknown said...

I know I wouldn't have the patience or intelligence to make a video half that good. That is some genuine creativity shinin' through.

JLYNN said...

This guy looks like a tweaker. WHAT IS HE SMOKIN? Geez he gave me the creeps. He needs to get a flipping job. He obviously has way to much time on his hands.

Amy said...

I agree he is kind of creepy, but what he does is really cool. I cant even imagine the amount of time this takes him. I would say he for sure needs to get a day job if he has the time to sit around and do this.

Jessica said...

hahaha the comment about him being a rapist cracked me up! i think though that its pretty cool what he has done but he obviously has a lot of time on his hands. maybe its his hobby and in his spare time he remixes youtube videos

LindsyM. said...

That is one of the most intense things that I have ever seen. Why isn't this guy working for some major music corporation making tons of money? He's really good at what he does.

Alycia said...

Well, probably because he has been hittin the pipe for a while. Gotta kick the habit first! Then again, maybe thats where he gets his "creativity?"

Dianna said...

That remix guy is going to be like that guy that was on American Idol, the Chinese guy that sang that Rikki Martin song, "She Bangs, She Bangs." I will bet money that we will see him again, other than U-Tub.

Unknown said...

This guy has got some talent. i wonder how long it took him to make one of these clips. why doesn't he just turn this into a career or something. i bet he would get a lot of money.