Monday, March 31, 2008

Day One

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 1

  • Question to your right. Question about the class. Question about the teacher.
  • Ask question to the right.
    • Pictures
  • To the left: shirts and shoes on side? board
  • Careers, current/anticipated on board
  • Syllabus read. Revise question based on syllabus.
    • A couple of additions
      • Office Hour 1130-1230
      • Frequent BP offered, but only up to 100% of prewriting grade
  • Homework: Shadowy Lines That Still Divide (Class Matters). 1-14
  • I've got English 70 after English 102. What have you learned about college? What wisdom/tips can you pass on about:
    • Academics
    • Culture

Difference between HS and College

Friday, March 14, 2008

Last Day

Lesson Plan Last Day English 102

  1. MLADM2K8 Shootout
  2. H/I Cover Letter H/I Final, Final Draft
  3. Essays must include my comments
  4. Paper clips/staples
  5. Due Monday by Noon at my office.
  6. gated community TWIF
  7. Complete Feedback.
  8. Return of Essays, etc
    1. First week of Spring Quarter.
    2. Grades mostly.
    3. For more feedback from me, bring your essay in and we'll go over it.


  9. Grades due Next Friday, posted online under schedule that day
  10. My schedule
    1. Spring English 070 x2 and English 102.
    2. Fall: English 101x3 and Creative Writing.
    3. Winter 102x3
    4. Spring 70 x2 and Creative Writing


  11. Also, you can ask about anything anytime.
  12. You can say hi to me on campus. Say your name and I'll say mine.
  13. You can say hi to each other.


  14. Andy Blevins' story.


    1. One in there Americans in their mid-twenties attended but did not finish college.


    2. Only 41 percent of low-income students entering a four year college managed to graduate within five years. (66% of high income did).


  1. 75 percent of students enrolling in community colleges said they hoped to transfer to a four year institution. But only 17 percent of those made the switch within five year. The rest were out working or still studying toward the two year degree.


  1. This is not the path you are on.


This is the path you are on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Learn from Lindsey, too

Learn from Leon

Day 45

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 45


  1. Peer Edit at your tables
  2. Tomorrow: Portfolio Review Worksheets due
  3. MLADM2K8: The Final Conflict
  4. Friday: Last day of class. Turn in work early if you'd like to get a jump on break.

Monday: Cover letter, final draft of one essay for improved score and copy of essay with my comments, to my office by noon. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Round Two

Round One

MLA Deathmatch 2K8 Round One

Monday: Cover letter and Final, Final Draft of One Essay Due. You MUST INCLUDE with it the draft with my comments (Draft 2) and the rubric with your score for this essay to be considered.

  1. H/I Portfolio Revision Worksheet on Thursday.
  2. MLA DeathMatch 2007.
    1. Four Teams enter, one team leaves
    2. First Prize: 5 BP
    3. Second Prize: Steak Knives
    4. Third Prize: You're fired
    5. It's on…
  3. The Final Week—Special Guest Leon Lett will be here Wednesday
    1. Wednesday: Peer Editing, Bring two copies of Final, Final Rough Draft or Cover letter
    2. Thursday: MLA DeathMatch 2007, Round Two

Monday, March 10, 2008

Business Letter Format

Here's one.
Here's another.

Day 43

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 43


  1. Hand back everything.
    1. Now's the time to get things straight.
    2. Abs.
  2. Notes on AW climb essay    
    1. Again, impressive, given time allowed.
    2. Define Terms for capital first
    4. Education and Welfare rules
    5. TWIF tertiary education
  3. Notes on In Class Essay
    1. Some improvements
      1. Some of it was me getting a second look
        1. After reading take homes
        2. After in class discussion on Tuesday
      2. Some of it was you adding support
  4. Today:
    1. Work on revision
      1. Research
      2. MLA style
      3. Grammar
      4. Outline your essay
      5. Ask me questions
    2. Work on your cover letter
    3. Work on Portfolio Review worksheet
  5. Tomorrow:
    1. MLA Deathmatch2K8—This time, it's personal.
    2. Portfolio worksheet due.
  6. Wednesday
    1. Peer edit final, final draft
    2. Peer edit cover letter
  7. Thursday
    1. MLA Deathmatch2K8, lightning round, sudden death and the dramatic conclusion
  8. Friday
    1. Last day of our class.
    2. Shoot for this to hand in your work
  9. Monday 17th
    1. Final Revised Essay Due
    2. Cover Letter Due
      1. By Noon in front of my office

Friday, March 07, 2008

Day 42

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 42

  1. Hand in Essays
    1. Essays back Monday.
    2. My focus will be on scores and improvement.
    3. If I'm late getting them back, due dates will be adjusted accordingly.
  2. Grades including Bonus Points will be out on Monday so you can make some decisions.
  3. Final Assignments (there's three things left)
    1. Revision Worksheet
    2. Letter
    3. Final, Final Essay
      1. If your paper needs RESEARCH/SUPPORT, don't wait.
  4. Revision Tips
  5. The Final Week—Special Guest Leon Lett
    1. Monday: Bring Essay to Work on in the Lab.
    2. Tuesday: MLA DeathMatch 2008, Round One, Portfolio Revision Worksheet Due
    3. Wednesday: Peer Editing, Bring two copies of Final, Final and/or letter
    4. Thursday: MLA DeathMatch 2008, Round Two
    5. Friday: Nearly there, but not yet done.

Monday: Final, Final Essays Due; A Cover Letter About Your Writing Due; Evaluation of my teaching in class.

Portfolio Review Worksheet

Portfolio Revision Worksheet, Due Thursday

Answer on your own paper


  1. Which essay do you think is strongest? Explain your answer in detail, including a quote or paraphrase from the essay.


  1. Did your peer readers agree with your assessment?


Paraphrase or quote from a peer


  1. What did I have to say about the essay?


Paraphrase something I wrote to support your answer.


  1. What essay do you think is your second best? Explain in detail.


  1. For the second essay, explain what your peers had to say. Paraphrase or quote


  1. Explain what I had to say. Paraphrase or quote


  1. What is your weakest essay? Explain why you think it's weak, using quotes or paraphrase.


  1. What do your readers have to say about this essay? Does their assessment or their comments reflect your opinion?


  1. What is the strongest segment of writing within all three assignment sequences? By segment, I mean paragraph or several sentences. Write out the segment you choose and then explain why you think it's strong.


  1. What revision would you need to do to submit the first assignment? List all the tasks you would need to complete below.


  1. What revision would you need to do to submit the second assignment? List all the tasks you would need to complete.


What revision would you need to do to submit the third assignment? List all the tasks you would need to complete.

Cover Letter Assignment

Cover Letter Assignment

Your cover letter should be 1-2 single spaced pages and present an evaluation of how you have performed as a student/writer this quarter.

Your cover letter should take the standard letter format, (See Hacker for this) with a date, and an address:

Mr. Dan Peters


Yakima, Washington



and formal salutation, (Dear Mr. Peters is fine for now), and a signature line at the end for your own signature.

Ideas/Questions that might help you get started:

  • How would you describe yourself as a writer before the class? How has this changed?
  • How did you write papers before this class? How has this class changed your process?
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses as you see them in your thinking, reading, and writing for this course. Use the rubrics to help frame this response.
  • What work do you do before you begin to write a draft of an essay? How do you develop a strong main point for your essays?
  • How would you describe the peer group work as it affected your writing? Did it help you to have other readers for your papers besides the instructor? What sorts of comments were the most/least helpful to you? Did reading a peer's paper give you any new perspectives on your own writing?
  • What have you improved on this quarter?
  • What skills do you still need to work on?
  • How about as a student overall? (Ways of Seeing the World, attendance, participation, homework etc)



Thursday, March 06, 2008

Day 41

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 41

  1. More notes on AW's climb
    1. Pick and choose from all three books
    2. What about the 56%, 39%, 35% numbers?
    3. What's wrong with saying: Marriage
      1. Why are we afraid of saying, Get married?
    4. What's wrong with saying: Public Housing/Childcare/Transportation
      1. Why are we cheap on these issues?
    5. What can the government do?
    6. What role does "awareness" play?
    7. What can't the government do?
  2. Peer Editing in groups of three
  3. Both in-class and take home questions are due tomorrow at the BEGINNING of the period. Don't use the writing center as a printing center, please.
  4. In-text citataions: Yes
  5. Works Cited: No
  6. You have a week, starting on Monday, (or tomorrow if you know which one), to revise either: N&D'd essay; TWIF essay; In-class/Take home essay, for a better grade.
  7. You can't get a worse grade.
  8. I'll talk tomorrow about how to pick which one.
  9. Essays back
  10. Grades so far, not including bp

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Day 40

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 40

  1. H/B in class essays (1130)
  2. Use N&D?
    1. Friction
    2. Classlessness
    3. Invisible
    4. Change
  3. One more note on mobility and immigration:
    1. Fifteen Years Slideshow and chart
    2. Look around YVCC
    3. Look around Home Depot
      1. but, look around East Yakima, too. And in the paper.
  4. Consider C-A, brief one?
  5. Angela Whitaker's Climb
    1. We've read three approaches to helping her:
      1. N&D
      2. TWIF
      3. CM
        1. Which of these, which combination, is the best?
  6. Due tomorrow: Rough Draft of How Can We Duplicate Angela Whitaker's success?
  7. Bring three copies

Angela Whitaker's Climb questions?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

It's not Cookies

It's Marshmallows. But you should still wait to read this until you've written your take home essay. No. Really.

Day 39

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 39

  1. CM in class essay question
    1. Jeff and Andy
    2. Deck of cards metaphor
    3. Perception v. Reality and likelihood of change
      1. Unlikely to change:
      2. Likely to change:
    4. Which is more likely?
    5. What if we take N&D'd into account and 15 yrs on Bottom Rung?
  2. Hand in Shadowy Lines worksheets for 10 points.
  3. Angela Whitaker's Climb
    1. Fast review of life before 23
    2. Life from 1996-2002
    3. Life after passing the test
  4. What made her a success?
    1. How do liberals see it?
    2. How do conservatives see it?
    3. How are each wrong and each right?
  5. Big Changes to Schedule and Scoring:
    1. Take Home Essay, rough draft due Wed—Plan about an hour of WRITING TIME but more thought/review/research time will be needed. 20 points possible—towards prewriting scores. There's no way I can read all the rough drafts in time, so I'll be looking for two (+) double spaced pages.
      1. How can we duplicate her success?
        1. Human capital
        2. Social capital
          1. What part can we solve through government?
          2. What part can we solve through changes to culture?
          3. What part is up to the individual?
        3. What about the recommendations from N&D'd in Evaluation chapter?
        4. What about Friedman in TWIF: Untouchables, The Right Stuff and This is Not a Test?
  6. For Thursday: Bring both for peer editing and comments from me.

Friday: Revise and hand in both in-class and take home portions of the Class Matters essays—40 points possible.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Day 38

YHR from this weekend.

In class essay. Due at end of period.
Saving it to disk ok.

Hand in Shadowy Lines worksheet.
Hand in blog BP.

March 5th BP in the HUB.

Tomorrow, Angela's Climb, cont.
and take home question assigned.

TWIF essay progress: 2 classes, plus 8 done.
20 odd to go. This means you'll get them back, I think, by Thursday.