Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 15

English 102 Winter 2011 Day 15

1. Today, Tuesday and part of Wednesday—Peer Editing
2. Wednesday—Counter Arguments
3. Thursday—Sample Essay Comment and Grading.
4. Friday—final essay due.

5. Peer Editing Process
1. Students learn from each other.
2. Students learn by teaching.
3. Kind honesty.
1. You have my permission to tear my paper to shreds
4. Thick skin.

6. Number the paragraphs on your essays.

7. Write two questions you'd like answered by your peers.

1. Exchange essays with another person at your table.
2. Apologize as needed
3. Read silently and comment as you go
4. Complete peer editing forms
5. Have a CONVERSATION--explain what you wrote on the Peer edit forms.
6. Finally, writer asks questions not answered.
7. Repeat

Homework—complete peer editing worksheet for essay from another class, including brief outline. Must be returned tomorrow. (10pts)


EmilyMurphy said...

Today was really helpful, I enjoy getting feed back on my essays so i can write a better paper.

Unknown said...

Feedback on a rough draft is awesome. It provides great motivation for writing the final.