Friday, March 04, 2011

Day 43

English 102 Winter 2011 Day 43

1. Bonus points?
a. Science Lecture (march 9th)
b. Play tonight and tomorrow.

2. Business essays--questions about handwriting, see me's.

Homework: Bring 2 copies of your revised rough draft for Monday. We'll try to have peer editors look at it.

Final draft due a week from today.

a. NARROW= Supportable/researchable.

b. BROAD= Temptation, but this essay is about making hard choices.

c. Easy thesis: We can create more AW’s by doing A, B and C.
d. CA: practical? costs? other ideas are better? government intrusion?

i. Definitions from the books of the obstacles are highly encouraged.
ii. Examples of the problems from the books are highly encouraged.
iii. Examples/Definitions of the solutions from the book are highly encouraged.
iv. Research: There are many programs in place. Maybe you want to argue for another, but maybe you want to argue for expansions? Do some digging locally.

1. These keep your paper narrow and specific and help you avoid the axe to grind, biased, unsubstantiated claims.

iv. Examples of solutions from the Yakima Valley are GOOOOLDENNNNNNN.

3. Why is this important in Yakima?

a. So far, the unemployment is up, but not as up as most places.
b. So far, housing prices are down, but not as far down as most places.
c. But…

d. 42-50 percent on public assistance.
e. ENI ranking.

f. Right now, the budget is being balanced by cutting social services and public employment (teachers, firefighters, police, parks, schools etc) vs. asking people who start out on third base to share the pain. In fact, through bailouts and tax cuts, we've sweetened the pot for them. This is somewhat of an editorial, but it's also factual.

g. Add it up and what do you predict?
h. In third world countries…

4. What would Friedman say?

5. What would Ehrenreich say?—Page 213-214
Why is the government needed? or put another way, Why is it the governments job?

6. What does Brooks say?
a. Marshmallows and public policy—paragraph 5 and last three
b. Types of human capital (note his definition is different than CM’s).
c. Safe, predictable environment…

7. What are the advantages/disadvantages of these approaches?

8. What is happening in budgets RIGHT NOW to these ideas?

a. What does this do to our solutions?

b. What doesn’t cost money, but still works?

c. What costs money, works and is worth raising taxes? Just because it’s not popular doesn’t mean you can’t argue for it. Recent attempts to raise taxes on candy and pop and bottled water/income tax on wealthy (200-400k), and nationally on 250k+.

d. The idea of "class warfare" is a dangerous one, but it goes both ways.

e. I'll show you some of my cards. Sunday school and growing up here. But, as a teacher, I strive to for objectivity. I go to extremes in this regard and take pride in it as a professional obligation.

f. I get most excited when I'm reading a paper if the writing is well organized, logical, researched, anticipates opposition and questions. Not whether I agree with the ideas politically. I'm looking for good writing/thinking.

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