Thursday, January 14, 2010

Friedman Gets Pied

Two years ago on Earth Day

Why? Biodiesel, globalization, market forces, technology.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Peters. I am just curious as to why he got pied exactly... I understand a lot of people hate the idea of globalization but still, I don't see how it ties into the environment or why people try to fight things so much. Maybe we just fear what we are not used to...

FernandoN said...

I am still wondering why those two guys would do such a thing. What they did is probably because they hate the topic of globilization or they were just being dumb.

nikki said...

I think that he got pied because they do not agree with his viewpoint. People who are very closed minded, do not wish to hear the opinions of others, and want to push their opinions on other people tend to resort to antics and violence to get their point across. I may not like what a person believes and I may not want to hear them but you know what I have the option to not attend such things... I also have the option of... oh my goodness... ACTING LIKE AN ADULT... and at least being curtious enough to hear other people's opinions. Plus, I don't see the point in wasting food! ; )

Alyssa said...

Were the pies green? You know, if they pied him because it was Earth Day that was kind of dumb. When he wrote Hot, Flat, and Crowded his intention was to get people to change in order to HELP the Earth i thought. It,s been a while though, so maybe I'm wrong...

JaNet G. said...

Same here i dont understand why he got pied with two GREEN pies...
Like really Mr.Peters. what exactly was the reason for the interuption?

LoReNa said...

I realize these guys are opposed to Friedman's view on globalization... But, was this necessary??

Consuelo Hinojosa said...

I was suprised when he got hit with a pie, I guess I didn't pay attention to the tittle. Very imature though.