Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 19

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 19

  1. Essay due TUESDAY, not Monday.
  2. Homework: Read TWIF Untouchables for Monday.
  3. Peer Review Review
  4. Revision
    1. Thesis statements
    2. Add support
    3. Outline
      1. Topic Sentences should form paragraph
    4. Intro/Conclusion
    5. Transitions
    6. Counter Argument
    7. TWIF/other definitions needed
    8. Cut?
  5. Editing
    1. Sentence openings (esp It/There)
    2. Capital letters/end punctuation
    3. Signal phrases
    4. Spelling—Spell check.
      1. its/it's
      2. there/they're/their
      3. to/too/two
      4. Proper names: Friedman, for ex.
    5. Use a ruler
    6. Read backwards
    7. Read aloud
  6. How to grade the papers—the American Idol problem
  7. Friday—Grade/Peer Edit sample essay

On Monday: Counter Argument and Essay format + 2nd essay if time.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

SOTU and Globalization

From the day I took office, I've been told that addressing our larger challenges is too ambitious; such an effort would be too contentious. I've been told that our political system is too gridlocked, and that we should just put things on hold for a while.
For those who make these claims, I have one simple question: How long should we wait? How long should America put its future on hold? (Applause.)
You see, Washington has been telling us to wait for decades, even as the problems have grown worse. Meanwhile, China is not waiting to revamp its economy. Germany is not waiting. India is not waiting. These nations -- they're not standing still. These nations aren't playing for second place. They're putting more emphasis on math and science. They're rebuilding their infrastructure. They're making serious investments in clean energy because they want those jobs. Well, I do not accept second place for the United States of America. (Applause.)
As hard as it may be, as uncomfortable and contentious as the debates may become, it's time to get serious about fixing the problems that are hampering our growth.

Next, we can put Americans to work today building the infrastructure of tomorrow. (Applause.) From the first railroads to the Interstate Highway System, our nation has always been built to compete. There's no reason Europe or China should have the fastest trains, or the new factories that manufacture clean energy products

SOTU and Colleges

Fourth, we need to invest in the skills and education of our people.
Now, this year, we've broken through the stalemate between left and right by launching a national competition to improve our schools. And the idea here is simple: Instead of rewarding failure, we only reward success. Instead of funding the status quo, we only invest in reform — reform that raises student achievement, inspires students to excel in math and science, and turns around failing schools that steal the future of too many young Americans, from rural communities to the inner city. In the 21st century, the best anti-poverty program around is a world-class education. And in this country, the success of our children cannot depend more on where they live than on their potential.
When we renew the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, we will work with Congress to expand these reforms to all 50 states. Still, in this economy, a high school diploma no longer guarantees a good job. That's why I urge the Senate to follow the House and pass a bill that will revitalize our community colleges, which are a career pathway to the children of so many working families.
To make college more affordable, this bill will finally end the unwarranted taxpayer subsidies that go to banks for student loans. Instead, let's take that money and give families a $10,000 tax credit for four years of college and increase Pell Grants. And let's tell another 1 million students that when they graduate, they will be required to pay only 10 percent of their income on student loans, and all of their debt will be forgiven after 20 years — and forgiven after 10 years if they choose a career in public service, because in the United States of America, no one should go broke because they chose to go to college.
And by the way, it's time for colleges and universities to get serious about cutting their own costs — because they, too, have a responsibility to help solve this problem.

Budget Cuts +UW Bio

=700 Students in a class.

Counter Argument Powerpoint

Is here, if you want to download it.

Day 18

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 18

  1. Complete Peer Review
  2. Peer Review Review—what patterns emerge during 101 and 102?
  3. Thesis statements on the board.
    1. Quick clicker tests on all of them.
  4. Revision
    1. Thesis statements
    2. Add support
    3. Outline
      1. Topic Sentences should form paragraph
    4. Intro/Conclusion
    5. Transitions
    6. Counter Argument
    7. TWIF/other definitions needed
    8. Cut?
  5. Editing
    1. Sentence openings (esp It/There)
    2. Capital letters/end punctuation
    3. Signal phrases
    4. Spelling—Spell check.
      1. its/it's
      2. there/they're/their
      3. to/too/two
      4. Proper names: Friedman, for ex.
    5. Use a ruler
    6. Read backwards
    7. Read aloud
  6. Counter Argument
  7. How to grade the papers—the American Idol problem
  8. Essay format

Friday—Grade/Peer Edit sample essays

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 17

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 17


  1. Hand in peer review from previous class.
  2. Hand out peer reviews from other class. Check for crazy.
  3. Complete Peer Review
  4. Peer Review Review
  5. Thesis statements, part two, if there's time.
  6. Thursday—Thesis statements, Editing, Counter Arguments, grading for essay
  7. Friday—Grade/Peer Edit sample essays

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 16

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 16

  1. Second revision to due dates. This time, it's not evil:
    1. Final Draft of this essay due February 1st.
  2. Today and part of Wednesday—Peer Editing
  3. Wednesday—Thesis statements, part two
  4. Thursday—Counter Arguments, grading for essay
  5. Friday—Grade/Peer Edit sample essays
  6. Peer Editing Process
    1. Students learn from each other.
    2. Students learn by teaching.
    3. Kind honesty.
      1. You have my permission to tear my paper to shreds
    4. Thick skin.
  7. Number the paragraphs on your essays.
  8. Write two questions you'd like answered by your peers.
    1. Choose who goes first
    2. Hand out essays
      1. Apologize as needed
    3. Read silently and comment as you go
    4. Complete peer editing forms
    5. Have a CONVERSATION (that's why there's four of you)
    6. Finally, writer asks questions not answered.
    7. Repeat

Homework—complete peer editing worksheet for essay from another class. Must be returned tomorrow. (10 pts)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 15

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 15

  1. Second revision to due dates. This time, it's not evil:
    1. Final Draft of this essay due February 1st.
  2. Today, tomorrow and part of Wednesday—Peer Editing
  3. Wednesday—Thesis statements, part two
  4. Thursday—Counter Arguments, grading for essay
  5. Friday—Grade/Peer Edit sample essays
  6. Peer Editing Process
    1. Students learn from each other.
    2. Students learn by teaching.
    3. Kind honesty.
      1. You have my permission to tear my paper to shreds
    4. Thick skin.
  7. Number the paragraphs on your essays.
  8. Write two questions you'd like answered by your peers.
    1. Choose who goes first
    2. Hand out essays
      1. Apologize as needed
    3. Read silently and comment as you go
    4. Complete peer editing forms
    5. Have a CONVERSATION (that's why there's four of you)
    6. Finally, writer asks questions not answered.
    7. Repeat

Homework—complete peer editing worksheet for essay from another class. Must be returned tomorrow. (10 pts)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 14

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 14

Quiz The Right Stuff/Quiet Crisis

Thesis statements presentation

Sample thesis statements

Try one now.

Homework: Rough Draft (20 prewriting points—full credit for getting to the end of page 4. Less than full credit for not, or for trying to pad it with excessive bs/margins/cartoons etc) due Monday. Bring 4 copies to be read by peers.

You can do this.

Sample Essays

Here they are again.
Let's look at their thesis statements.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 13

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 13


Slideshow: No Degree No Way Back

While it's playing: Find three interesting facts from the chapter.

Bonus Points?


Get into groups according to topics

  • Washington Learns
  • Community Colleges/YVCC
  • The DREAM Act
  • Ready by Five, ESD 105 and Gates
  • Vocational Education/YVTech

Share your five quotes with people at your table.

Quiz Tomorrow over The Right Stuff and The Quiet Crisis.


Start your Research Here

NYTimes editorial on the DREAM Act losing steam
based on this article about an undocumented student at Princeton
1) 1) video from PBS
2) NYTimes


Bill: financial aid to illegal immigrant students
The Associated Press

OLYMPIA, Wash. Illegal immigrant students could get state financial aid for college under a bill being considered by Washington state lawmakers.

State Rep. Dave Quall, a Democrat from Mount Vernon who sponsored the bill, says many of these students are moved to the United States by their parents at an early age, are groomed in the American education system, and it wouldn't be right to deny aid to qualified illegal immigrant students.

The measure would expand current law to allow illegal immigrant students to be eligible for a state need grant program, which provided around $182 million in financial aid for 72,000 students in 2008.

The House Higher Education Committee has scheduled a Wednesday afternoon hearing on the bill.

The illegal immigrant financial aid bill is House Bill 1706.

YHRepublic Editorial on Financial Aid to Illegal Immigrants

More on Student Aid Bill

Ready By Five Yakima, and Gates Foundation for early learning. Here's a load of stuff.
And here's something that might help. It's a 30 million word gap
Universal Preschol pro/con

Community Colleges and the New Economy
Unemployed retraining at YVCC
Here's a great story called "Dream Catchers"

Vocational Education. Try here and here: Harder to Find right away, but here's a start. And here, too.

Washington Learns

More on DREAM Act and Community Colleges
Higher education and community colleges:
Video here.
Questions here.

State trying to get Latinos in college

Friedman on China part 2

Is China the next Enron? part 2

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 12

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 12

Slideshow: College Dropout Boom

While it's playing: Find three interesting facts from the chapter. These can be statistics or they can be something from Blevins' life.

Bonus Points?

Homework: Read- No Degree No Way Back in CM

Get into groups according to topics

  • Washington Learns
  • Community Colleges/YVCC
  • The DREAM Act
  • Ready by Five, ESD 105 and Gates
  • Vocational Education/YVTech

Which of the "Right Stuff" is addressed by your topic?

Learn to Learn



Right Brain

Liberal Arts

Right Country

Intros and Conclusions

U-Make Quiz


Fill in blanks

and Matching in Groups of three

Test your questions on the group.

Revise questions with input from others in the group to make them stronger.

Revise to eliminate repeats.

Provide a key on a separate sheet of paper for the 23 questions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Room for Debate: Can China Catch Us?

Here's an article right up our alley.
Several articles linked within it as well.

A Vision of Students Today

Day 11

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 11

Hand in homework—quotes from TWIF

Making College Relevant handout

Bonus Points?

Homework: Read-College Dropout Boom in CM (and No Degree No Way Back for Thursday)

The Writing Process

The Basics


Get into Groups according to Topics

  • Washington Learns
  • Community Colleges/YVCC
  • The DREAM Act
  • Ready by Five, ESD 105 and Gates
  • Vocational Education/YVTech

Which Dirty Little Secret is addressed by your topic?

The Numbers Gap

The Education Gap at the Top

The Ambition Gap

The Education Gap at the Bottom

The Funding Gap

The Infrastructure Gap

The Bottom Line


U-Make Quiz

The Right Stuff

(Learn to Learn; Navigation; CQ+PQ; Right Brain; Liberal Arts; Right Country)

The Quiet Crisis

(The Numbers Gap; The Education Gap at the Top; The Ambition Gap; The Education Gap at the Bottom; The Funding Gap; The Infrastructure Gap; The Bottom Line)

6 True/False: The Right Stuff
7 Fill in the blanks: The Quiet Crisis

10 Matching: Combining both

Race to the Top

Obama's Education Plan
He's talking about it today in Virginia.
Here's some criticism of it, and suggestions for how to fix it.

Here's the Stimulus Plan and Education

Wiki for TWIF

Here's a wikisummary for TWIF.

May not be version 3.0.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 10

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 10

Making College Relevant handout

Bonus Points?

1130 Essays back

Sample of one of the best in class essays.

    Look for the three parts

    On the Surface

    In Reality

    Trend for the future

Homework: Read "The Quiet Crisis"

America and Free Trade: Cage Match, debrief

How to read in college.

What is the "Right Stuff?"

Essay Topics

How do these two fit together?

The Basics

Sample Essays

Homework, part two:

Pick one of the essay topics.

Write out at least five quotes from Friedman that you could use in your essay (focusing on The Dirty Little Secrets and the Right Stuff topics will help)

This will be worth 10 point on Tuesday.

Class Systems in History

Friedman videos

Sample Essays

For DREAM Act and Ready by Five

They aren't all A papers, but they will give you an idea

Introduction to the Topics

Ready By Five Yakima, and Gates Foundation for early learning. Here's a load of stuff.
Community Colleges and the New Economy
Vocational Education. Try here and here: Harder to Find right away, but here's a start. And here, too.
Washington Learns

Friedman on Colbert and Stewart

I can't get Colbert to play with current flash version.
Sorry. Try at home.

Same with Daily Show.

Friedman on Charlie Rose

The Other Side of Outsourcing

Class Systems in History

Basic system for figuring out who's rich and who isn't, according to Monty Python.

The Basics: College Essay

The Basics


Intro paragraph—often written last
State background of the case
Lead naturally in to:
Thesis statement towards end (Arguable, Narrow, One-Three Sentences, changeable)

Body Paragraphs—

Basic order, a few twists.

When you're getting started: pick your best point and write that paragraph first then your next best until you get to your least persuasive point.

Topic sentence at the top.

Anticipating your opposition

Sandwich quotes

Signal phrases.
Connect/Cite the evidence.
One paragraph, at least should be devoted to making the case against your ideas and then “unmaking” them. Try, Some might argue that… but I argue that…

Keep it short.
Reinforce main point

How to Read in College

Here's a great site from Penn State.

Sometimes it's called "annotating"

Here's my short take on it:

Why do it?
Save time.
Better evidence.
Better comprehension.
More interesting.

1. Don't read in bed.
and don't read with TV/Music
2. Don't use a highlighter in the book.
3. Look for things going in.
4. Make assumptions.
5. Ask questions.

Here's what my book looks like.

6. At outline stage, go back through and make a list of pages and quotes.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Google Takes a Stand

A NYTimes editorial

Friedman Gets Pied

Two years ago on Earth Day

Why? Biodiesel, globalization, market forces, technology.

Day 9

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 9

Making College Relevant handout

1130 Essays back Friday

Bonus Points?

Homework: Read "The Right Stuff"

Google Maps (I'll try it again)

America and Free Trade: Lincoln-Douglas Cage Match

Ricardo is wrong!

Ricardo is right!

You have 15 minutes to come up with your reasons why you are right, why the other side is wrong, and what you anticipate they will say against you.

You should have at least three speakers:

  1. Makes case for your side
  2. Questions reasons for other side
  3. Rebuttal speaker who address questions raised by other side

The winning team receives 5 bonus points.

Team Debate Format

Proposition: Ricardo sez: If each nation specializes in the production of goods in which it has a comparative advantage and then trades with other nations for the goods in which they specialize, there will be an overall gain in trade and overall income levels should rise in each country.

Ricardo is Right – 5 minutes
A good introduction that attracts the audiences attention and interest in the topic
Clearly state each of your contentions
support with reason and evidence--That is, quote from TWIF
Conclude effectively

Cross Ex of the Ricardo is Right by one of the Ricardo is Wrong – 2 minutes
You ask questions about the reasons they give for Ricardo being right.

Be courteous

The other side does not respond. They take notes and will respond in rebuttal speech.

Ricardo is Wrong – 5 minutes
A good introduction that attracts the audience's attention and interest in the topic
Clearly state the Negative's position on the topic
Support with reason and evidence--That is, quote from TWIF
Attack and question the Affirmative's Contentions/evidence
Conclude effectively

Cross Ex of the Ricardo is Wrong by one of the Ricardo is Right – 2 minutes
You ask questions

Be courteous

Rebuttal Speeches

(5 minutes to prepare)

Yeah But Ricardo is Still Wrong – 3 minutes
Respond to latest Ricardo is Right arguments
Make your final case to the audience that the
Wrong position is superior to the Right
Try and convince the audience the
Right has failed to carry the burden of proof
Summarize the debate and conclude effectively and ask for the audience to agree with the
Wrong position

Yeah But Ricardo is Still Right - 3 minutes
Respond to final Wrong arguments
Summarize the debate and show the audience how the
Right position is superior –
and the
Wrong has carried the burden of proof
Conclude effectively.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mostly China

Google leaving China? They're not alone.
Is China the next bubble to pop? Don't bet on it, says Friedman
Google Fights France for Books
China and Cars
Coming soon to a showroom near you?

Day 8

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 8

Hand back quizzes etc.

Some more essays back (1030) the rest will be back by Friday.

Bonus Points?

Homework: Read America and Free Trade

Go back to Uploading

    Not just open source movement

    Facebook, Youtube, Blogs

Complete Flatteners

Notes on the Triple Convergence and the Great Sorting Out


Triple Convergence and The Great Sorting Out

The Triple Convergence

First around 2000, all ten flatteners started working together

Second, people started getting it.

Third: China, India, USSR all joined in

Convergence I: Simultaneous improvement of complimentary goods, reinforced each other

II: People needed time to get comfortable w/ the "horizontal" playing field.

  • Like distance ed?
  • The previous model was vertical silos.
  • went from top down to side to side


III: Add 3 Billion People

  • Prev. it had been NA, West Europe, Japan and East Asia with similar education, wages, workforce size "Gentlemanly competition"
  • Some countries simply skipping a step—like cell phones in China
  • Zippes in India: Generation Z.
  • You can innovate without having to emigrate


The other triple convergence:

  • com bust (actually helped the world, but scared us)
  • 9/11
  • Enron
  • Other things?
    • X-box; 100 channels of tv; reality tv;
  • Politicians in 2004 were not educating us, they were making us stupid
  • Now the real IT revolution is about to begin


The Great Sorting Out

  • from command and control to connect and collaborate
  • Dissolving of feudal, national and religious id, giving universal citizenships


    • BIG PAGES Mixed blessing: Bumping up against the world of friction


    • What extent should we lean against the current for the sake of values the global market can't supply? (Religious faith; national pride; social cohesion—copyrights? Worker protections; min. wage—see today's paper)
      • (Global min wage?)

Sorting Out:

  • India v. Indiana: wow. Whose values to protect?
  • Where do companies start and stop?
    • Whose values will govern a particular company and whose interest will that company respect and promote? GM goes, so goes America. But not today.
    • Google and China; Yahoo and China; Fruit packers and Japan; EU and the height of chairs in Selah;
    • IBM and Lenovo: Would you call this an American company? A Chinese company?
    • Rolls Royce and Germany and Russia


  • Command and Control to Collaborate and Connect:
    • Colin Powell and Google and blackberries
    • Wal-Mart and our conflicting identities. Walk through this one up to page
    • When you flatten the world, you take humanity out of life


  • Who Owns what? Intellectual Property:
    • Napster; video;
    • Google Books in France
    • The Blog? The film? Chapbooks?
    • What about Amy's work?
    • AOL Passwords, in your will?


Death of a Salesman

  • Tommy all anyone cares about today is price.
  • But fat is what gives meat it's taste


What about politics?

Wall party (labor and far right social crowd) v. Web Party (conservatives in Business and social liberals who want a connected world)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

10 Flatteners

Ten flatteners

Friedman defines ten "flatteners" that he sees as leveling the global playing field:

#1: Collapse of Berlin Wall--11/'89: The event not only symbolized the end of the Cold war, it allowed people from other side of the wall to join the economic mainstream. (11/09/1989)

#2: Netscape: Netscape and the Web broadened the audience for the Internet from its roots as a communications medium used primarily by 'early adopters and geeks' to something that made the Internet accessible to everyone from five-year-olds to ninety-five-year olds. (8/9/1995). The digitization that took place meant that everyday occurrences such as words, files, films, music and pictures could be accessed and manipulated on a computer screen by all people across the world.

#3: Workflow software: The ability of machines to talk to other machines with no humans involved. Friedman believes these first three forces have become a "crude foundation of a whole new global platform for collaboration."

#4: Open sourcing: Communities uploading and collaborating on online projects. Examples include open source software, blogs, and Wikipedia. Friedman considers the phenomenon "the most disruptive force of all."

#5: Outsourcing: Friedman argues that outsourcing has allowed companies to split service and manufacturing activities into components which can be subcontracted and performed in the most efficient, cost-effective way.

#6: Offshoring: The internal relocation of a company's manufacturing or other processes to a foreign land in order to take advantage of less costly operations there. China's entrance in the WTO allowed for greater competition in the playing field. Now countries such as Malaysia, Mexico, Brazil must compete against China and each other to have businesses offshore to them.

#7: Supply chaining: Friedman compares the modern retail supply chain to a river, and points to Wal-Mart as the best example of a company using technology to streamline item sales, distribution, and shipping.

#8: Insourcing: Friedman uses UPS as a prime example for insourcing, in which the company's employees perform services--beyond shipping--for another company. For example, UPS repairs Toshiba computers on behalf of Toshiba. The work is done at the UPS hub, by UPS employees.

#9: In-forming: Google and other search engines are the prime example. "Never before in the history of the planet have so many people-on their own-had the ability to find so much information about so many things and about so many other people", writes Friedman. The growth of search engines is tremendous; for example take Google, in which Friedman states that it is "now processing roughly one billion searches per day, up from 150 million just three years ago".

#10: Wireless: Personal digital devices like mobile phones, iPods, personal digital assistants, instant messaging, and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

Globalization 1.0-3.0

  1. Globalization 1.0
    1. 1492-1800
    2. Shrank the world from large to medium
    3. Countries and muscles
      1. Horse/steam power
      2. Inspired by religion or imperialism or both
      3. Where does my country fit in?
      4. How can I go global and collaborate with others through my country?
  2. Globalization 2.0
    1. 1800-2000
    2. From medium to small sized world
    3. Interrupted by Great Depression and WWI/II
    4. Multinational corporations
      1. Dutch/English, Industrial Revolution
      2. Looking for market and labor
      3. Powered by steam/rail
      4. Then telecom (telegraph, phones, pc, satellites, fiber optics)
      5. Breakthroughs in Hardware
        1. Steamships, rails
        2. computers
      6. Where does my company fit in?
      7. How does it take advantage of the opportunities?
      8. How can I go global and collabaorate with others through my company?

  1. Globalization 3.0
    1. After 2000
    2. From small to tiny/flat world
    3. Not countries. Not companies. Individuals.
    4. Not horsepower, not hardware, but software
    5. Where do I fit in?
    6. How can I, on my own, collaborate with others globally?
    7. Driven by every corner of the world (not Europe and America)

Day 7

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 7

Bonus Points?

930 Hand in Shadowy Lines Worksheet

Homework: Read The Great Sorting Out

In groups

  • Definition of the Flattener
  • Example of the Flattener

Illustration of the Flattener

Jobs that are gone for good?

From Wall Street Journal.
Most hurt: Men without a college degree.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Green China and Creativity in MBA programs

"Who's Sleeping Now"--Friedman on Chinese Green Tech
Multicultural Critial Theory at B School deals with creativity, analytical thinking, multiple perspectives and MBA programs.

Essay Topic 1

Essay 1: English 102, Spring Quarter

The Valley and the World: Education

Here are the topics you can choose from:

  • Washington Learns
  • Community Colleges/YVCC
  • The DREAM Act
  • Ready by Five, ESD 105 and Gates
  • Vocational Education/YVTech


Your essay should answer the question:

What effect will ________________have on the Yakima Valley in the new Flat World?

Find what Friedman says about your topic.

Start with the Index, use Amazon search.

Use Friedman to organize your essay.


The essay should present the viewpoints of the various sides of the issue.

The essay should attempt to represent these sides fairly.

4-6 pages.

Due Dates:

  • List of quotes related to your topic from Friedman: January 19
  • Outline January 25th
  • Rough Draft January 26th
  • Draft 2 January 29th

Day 6

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 6

  1. Names Quiz
  2. TWIF Quiz
  3. Calendar for the quarter
  4. Chapter 1 notes

Reading tonight, one of ten flatteners.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Day 5

Lesson Plan Day 5

  1. Bonus Points--Tonight

Jan 8, 2010 (Friday) Women Artists: Where We Are Now, opening reception Larson Gallery, YVCC Hours 5:30 - 7:30pmMeet the artists and learn more about their work! 6:30 - Gallery walk-through and discussion with comments from artists FREE

  1. In Class Essay

    1. I'm trying to get a read on what I've got in class, where you're starting from.
    2. I'm trying to see who the stars are, too.
    3. Intro/Body/Conclusion
    4. Thesis/Topic Sentences
    5. Evidence/Support
    6. We will be revising this essay, shaping it and adding to it to be turned in more times. That means less/more pressure today.
    7. 30 points towards your Prewriting scores.
  2. Homework: Read TWIF: "While I Was Sleeping" for Monday
  3. Quiz over Names/Faces and While I Was Sleeping on Monday.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Invisible Poor

From 2000 with Slideshow

COBRA too expensive

Health care for out of work workers too expensive.

College Costs

May become unaffordable for most in U.S.

From Nickel and Dimed

A summary of the last chapter of the book, Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich



Ehrenreich puts forth several explanations for the working poor remaining poor.

In addition to high costs of renting/housing, invisibility and lack of transportation, she cites:

  1. Low-wage people without cars are often dependent on others for transportation. A change in job could result in the loss of that transportation.
  2. Low-wage people are not often well informed about their options. They do not have the luxury of intense research into wages/benefits/future when faced with the loss of a job or even a change in job.
  3. Many low-wage people, through lack of education or experience, fall into the psychological traps devised by employers. The Maids boss, the only male, exerted a paternalistic kind of power. Wal-Mart employees are made to feel like "associates" through profit sharing plans (after several years service), meetings that are held as "pep rallies".
  4. Rules against "gossip" or even "talking" deter the building of personal relationships that may encourage the airing of grievances.
  5. Those who step out of line often face little, unexplained punishments—schedules changed, assignment to the tasks no one else wants to do, or even termination. "When you enter the low-wage workplace—and many of the medium-wage workplaces as well—you check your civil liberties at the door, leave America and all it supposedly stands for behind, and learn to zip your lips for the duration of the shift."

Day 4

Lesson Plan Day 4

  1. More advice on college.
  2. 15 Years Slide Show
  3. Homework: Prepare for In Class Essay over Shadowy Lines and 15 Years
  4. Complete notes on Shadowy Lines
  5. Whole class discussion of several key points
  6. What else?
  7. What do you think?
  8. In Class Essay Question

    1. How to prepare for and take an in class essay: Short Link, Longer Link
    2. How to prepare for THIS in class essay

      1. Notes
      2. List of quotations/page numbers
      3. Outline
      4. Open book
      5. Typed or not, double spaced
      6. Not written before class.
      7. C206, 50 minutes

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Class Matters Website

Here's the NYTimes site that goes with the book.

Day 3

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 3

  1. From yesterday—Bankruptcy and what one woman did about it.
  2. Advice part two.
  3. Quiz Monday on names and faces.
  4. Homework: Read "15 Years on the Bottom Rung" (CM 111-133) and "America Without a Middle Class" (E. Warren)
  5. Shadowy Lines in groups
    1. Discuss your answers with your group.
    2. Group fills in as you talk.


  6. Discuss as a class today and tomorrow.


  7. Friday, meet in C206 for In Class Essay over Shadowy Lines and 15 years.


  8. Reading for Friday and Saturday: While I Was Sleeping (TWIF 3-50)


Reading for Sunday—One of the ten flatteners to be assigned Friday.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

In Class Writing For Friday

On Friday, we will meet in C206 for an in class writing assignment.

It will be worth 30 points towards your prewriting grade.

You can bring books, notes and an outline, but not a completed essay.

You should also bring some way to save the essay for later use.

In-class writing for Friday:

According to Class Matters:

  • on the surface, class is less of an issue,
  • while in reality the divisions between classes run deeper than ever.
  • And, this is unlikely to change.

In your own words,

  • explain why there is a difference between our perception of class and the reality
  • and explain why the divisions between classes is or is not likely to change.
  • Then use evidence from "Shadowy Lines" and examples from "15 Years on the Bottom Rung" to support your argument.

Answer the question as completely as possible.

Read the question carefully.

Use direct quotes from the books to support your points.

Consider a quick outline before you start writing.

Day 2

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 2

  1. Hand in Suggestions for English 70 students.
    1. Look at the comments posted.
    2. Here's what others say.
  2. Books are in?
  3. Reading Homework: Shadowy Lines that Still Divide.
  4. Writing Homework: Shadowy Lines worksheet in teams of three.
  5. Bonus Points
    1. at the Library
  6. Names/Faces.
  7. Class Poll.
  8. Bankruptcy in 2009.

9. What one woman did about it.

Worksheet for Shadowy Lines

Worksheet for "Shadowy Line That Still Divide"

a. In what ways has the country "gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness"?

b. In what areas has class come to play a greater role in American life over the past 30 years?

c. What is mobility?

d. What does new research on mobility show?

e. How does the concept of mobility relate to the concept of the American dream?

f. How are the "ranks of the elite" different today than in the past?

g. What has "replaced the old system of inherited privilege"? Why is this a paradox?

h. According to a recent New York Times poll on class, how do Americans feel about "their prospects for getting ahead"?

i. According to the poll, what do Americans believe will help them attain a higher status?

j. How do most Americans, according to the poll, feel their standard of living relates to that of their parents?

k. The article states that "one difficulty in talking about class is that the word means different things to different people." What are some of the things it means, according to the article?

l. How do different sociologists and economists view the division of classes?

m. How does the article use an analogy of a hand of cards to explain how to think of a person's position in society?

n. According to the poll, how do Americans view their mobility and class status?

o. Who was possibly "the original exemplar of American social mobility," and why?

p. What did initial mobility studies say, and what do economists say about those studies now?

q. What do the new studies of mobility say?

r. What is the "broad consensus about what an optimal range of mobility is"?

s. How does mobility in the United States rate to that in other countries, and why?

t. The article asks, "Why does it appear that class is fading as a force in American life?" How does it answer that question?

u. How does class relate to political alignment and issues today?

v. How does class relate to religious affiliation today?

w. How does class relate to race today?

x. In what ways is the American elite more diverse today than in the past?

y. How have globalization and technology impacted class?

z. How does educational level come into play when discussing class?
aa. How are class differences in health widening?

bb. How does family structure differ along class lines?

cc. The article asks, "Will the trends that have reinforced class lines while papering over the distinctions persist?" How does it answer that question?

ee. Why does "the idea of fixed class positions, on the other hand, rubs many the wrong way"?

ff. The article ends with a paragraph about optimism. In your own words, what does that paragraph mean? How does optimism relate to the concept of class and social mobility?


Yakima Valley Community College-- English Composition 102:

The Valley and The World

Dan Peters, Instructor ( 574.6800.3194)

Winter 2010

yak-cheese vendor spinning his prayer wheel in Lhasa

Course Description:

The second of two college-level courses, English 102, will continue to require clear, unified, coherent, and well-developed essays of increasing complexity. While consideration of audience is an inherent part of the writing required in English 101, students in English 102 will learn to consider more explicitly the role that audience plays when they write. In seeking to gain credibility with their audience and to persuade others to their point of view, students will write extended arguments. Through reading, writing, and discussion, students will continue to examine their own assumptions and opinions and to consider the facts and reasoning of others. In their writing they will bring to bear a variety of texts to support their arguments as they learn basic research techniques and the documentation conventions of the Modern Language Association or comparable style sheets from other disciplines. Extended research, the province of English 203, will not be required.


English 101

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to

  • Write clear, unified, coherent, and well-developed extended essays that employ primary and secondary sources in writing
  • Demonstrate an understanding of those sources and their relevance to the arguments being advanced
  • Employ documentation conventions, as specified by the Modern Language Association or other style sheets, in support of extended arguments
  • Conduct research using a variety of sources, such as library collections, electronic databases, and/or other sources in support of extended arguments


  1. Students will have the opportunity to practice the following Abilities as they meet course objectives: Analytical Reasoning (AR) and Communication (C).

Required Texts

  • Class Matters, Bill Keller, ed.
  • The World is Flat, version 3.0 Friedman
  • A copy of a reputable college dictionary
  • A Writers Reference, Sixth Edition, Hacker
  • Suggested: 3 ring binder, highlighter pens, blue & black ink pens, email address, thumb drive, computer at home with internet connection, Microsoft word.

Required Work

  • Three complete assignment sequences. Sequences will center on Globalization and the Yakima Valley. These sequences will include various prewriting activities, a rough draft and a second draft of all three essays.
  • Preparation for class activities, often by reading outside of class.
  • Participation in class discussions and activities.
  • Attendance.
  • Quizzes over readings.
  • Various homework assignments, as needed.
  • Publish/Present your work.

End of Quarter Grade:

40% Work before Final Draft

60% Final Drafts

93= A 90= A- 87= B+ 83= B 80= B- 77= C+ 73=C 70=C- 67=D+ 60=D 59 and below= F

General Requirements for essays

  1. All essays/exercises are due on the date assigned.
    1. No late work accepted. Email, friends= fine.
  2. Essays will vary in length. They should be double-spaced, in a normal sized (10-12 point) font or type comparable to Times New Roman. Essays not meeting the minimum length requirement, and/or the use of a larger than normal font, or large margins, will have a reduced grade, depending on the amount of text missing. Works Cited pages, graphics, charts, etc. do not count toward the minimum page requirement.

  3. All essays must be typed or printed on a computer printer.

  4. Essays must be typed in MLA format.

  5. Keep a HARD COPY of your essay, so that you will have a back-up in case of loss, disk crash, etc.. Anyone working on computer should have a back-up copy of his/her essay on disk.

  6. Do not expect to receive the same grades on these papers that you have received in the past. My criteria for grading are very different and possibly more demanding than those with which you have worked previously. Moreover, while effort tends to improve the quality of the paper,

your grade will be based on the quality of your paper alone,

not the amount of effort you put into it.

There is no final exam.

Be Here, Now

If you miss 5 classes for any reason, you will lose one letter grade.

If you miss 8 classes you will lose two letter grades.

If you miss 10 classes, you will be withdrawn from the course.

An absence will be recorded if you arrive 15 minutes late or leave 15 minutes early.

Please, turn off the electronics, come on time and lean in.

Course Adaptation: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please talk with me as soon as possible.

Class Poll


1. Is it possible to start out poor, work hard and become rich?

A: Yes

B: No

2. Do you favor or oppose programs that make special efforts to help people get ahead who come from low-income backgrounds, regardless of gender or ethnicity?

A: Favor

B: Oppose

C: No Answer

3. Compared with 30 years ago, is the likelihood of moving up from one social class to another:

A: Less

B: Greater

C: No Answer

4. Compared with European countries, is moving up from one social class to another:

A: Harder

B: Easier

C: No Answer

5. How likely is it that you will ever become financially wealthy?

A: Already Rich

B: Very

C: Somewhat

D: Not Very

E: Not at All

6. The federal government should tax estates worth:

A: Over $3.5 Million

B: Over $1 Million

C: Not at All

D: No Answer



7. How much education does a person need to get ahead in life?

A: Don't Need a High School Diploma

B: High School Diploma

C: Some College

D: College Degree or above

8. Rank these items in the order of what you think it takes to get ahead in life ("A" being least necessary, "D" being most necessary):

Coming from a Wealthy Family;

Knowing the Right People;

Natural Ability;

Good Education;

Hard Work



9. Compared with your parents when they were the age you are now, is your standard of living now:

A: Much Better

B: Somewhat Better

C: About the Same

D: Somewhat Worse

E: Much Worse

F: No Answer

Monday, January 04, 2010

Day 1

English 102 Lesson Plan Day 1

  1. Write down three specific skills you do well. Could be athletic, academic, hobbies, jobs, etc.
  2. How did you learn them? How did you get good at them?
  3. Pictures
  4. To the left: shirts and shoes on side? board
  5. What are you going to do with your college education?
  6. Careers, current/anticipated on board.
  7. The goal of college is to

    1. be very well-off financially
    2. develop a meaningful philosophy of life
  8. Syllabus read. Revise question based on syllabus.
  9. There are used copies in the bookstore now, but limited supply. I'd like you to have TWIF 3.0 by Friday at the latest. This means ordering it online today. Also, libraries and bookstores will all have copies. Make sure you get the right copy: 3.0.
  10. A couple of additions:
  11. Office Hour 830-930
  12. Frequent BP offered, but only up to 100% of prewriting grade
  13. Homework: Read "Making College Relevant" with a pen/pencil and mark it as you read. (1-4) We'll read the other pages as homework tomorrow.
  14. If you're reading it online, check out the reader comments as well.
  15. Homework: Write a paragraph to a page of advice for English 70 students about college.

    1. BP: Post your paragraphs to the blog for one bp.
    2. All posts on the blog will be collected at the end of the month.
    3. Each comment is worth a point as long as it is on topic and over a sentence in length.
    4. If you have gmail, you can log on using that account. If not, you can easily sign up, but it's not required.