Over all, the report found, published college tuition and fees increased 439 percent from 1982 to 2007 while median family income rose 147 percent. Student borrowing has more than doubled in the last decade, and students from lower-income families, on average, get smaller grants from the colleges they attend than students from more affluent families. '
“If we go on this way for another 25 years, we won’t have an affordable system of higher education,” said Patrick M. Callan, president of the center, a nonpartisan organization that promotes access to higher education.
“When we come out of the recession,” Mr. Callan added, “we’re really going to be in jeopardy, because the educational gap between our work force and the rest of the world will make it very hard to be competitive. Already, we’re one of the few countries where 25- to 34-year-olds are less educated than older workers.”
College tuition increased by 439%!! Wow! Why is this? And why are 25-34 year olds less educated then older workers? That’s the opposite of what I have been told.
Why have education costs increased some much? It's not like it costs 439% more to provide education. I would think that we have more knowledge right now than in previous generations, but maybe we have less wisdom. Wow, that was deep.
You know, we have been so focused on gas prices and healthcare cost that we often don’t look around at what else is going through the roof. How is it that in the mid-seventies you could graduate from Harvard University for about $7000 a year and it is now over $40,000 a year?
Because in the seventies 100,000 dollars was worth one million. Also, I think maybe more people are getting an education these days too.
Even here in the state! My math teacher was telling me that when she was going the University of Washington she had a part time job and that she could pay her tuition working 6 1/2 hours a week!! And that was making $2.08 an hour!!!
This really irritates me that college tuition increased by 439%!! It is already hard to pay for college. To get a good job we need education and with the increase in tuition less people are not going to be able to afford to go. We already have enough to problems to think about with our jobs, gas and other expenses rising.
Whats weird is that private college tuition hasn't went up as much as public.What really sucks is it will be harder to get financial aid.
what the hell i can't believe tuition has increased by 439% what will happen in 25 years. man i dont' want to think about i might have kids in school then.
Didn't Mr. Peters say that like next year there is going to be a budget cut for all community colleges (like 6%) and 4 year colleges (like 12%) which will result in even higher costs to follow on tution, books, dorms, probably just about everything.
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