Friday, January 16, 2009

The Basics

The Basics


Intro paragraph—often written last
State background of the case
Lead naturally in to:
Thesis statement towards end (Arguable, Narrow, One-Three Sentences, changeable)

Body Paragraphs—

Basic order, a few twists.

When you're getting started: pick your best point and write that paragraph first then your next best until you get to your least persuasive point.

Topic sentence at the top.

Sandwich quotes

Signal phrases.
Connect/Cite the evidence.
One paragraph, at least should be devoted to making the case against your ideas and then “unmaking” them. Try, Some might argue that… but I argue that…

Keep it short.
Reinforce main point


scott said...

thank you mr. P, your basics are a helpfull reminder to the requested writting procces. its always good to get a refresher

Unknown said...

I think the basics you have outlined are great resources for any writing student and I know that it will help we improve on any weak areas when I work on my essay. Thanks for the helpful reminder.