Thursday, January 29, 2009

Please, make it stop

Here's an article I wish I didn't know about--More bonuses.


Anonymous said...

I don't even feel like commenting on this. #$*&^%@!!!!!!. There. I commented.

These people are ridiculous.How could our own government be so irresponsible? Even children don't give their candy away for free.

Jonathan said...

People are so stupid! Why isn't stupidity illegal? If I made that much money, I wouldn't even know what to do with it.

maryn said...

what I do not understand is if the banks are hurting so much why are they handing out extra money to workers? it does not make sense.

steve said...

This is the problem with trying to half socialize a free-trade system. We cannot have our cake and eat it too in this area. Either we allow the free market to work itself out, meaning companies are allowed to rise and fall, or we socialize them. This is the result of going half way.

Elise2013 said...

I don't think it's stupidity I think it's ignorance on the part of the people dolling out bonuses and the people receiving them.

I have no idea what someone would do with that kind of money except redistribute to others.

Juan Carlos Farias102 said...

i think people need to slap the hell out of them and actually see the world in the condition it is in. people need to grow up,danm.

scott said...

thats just the typical human taking what is npt available. taking when they need to be giving. taking what isint theres, and what they dont need.