Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Great Disruption

(This is reposted from last year at this time)

Here's Friedman's latest editorial:
We have created a system for growth that depended on our building more and more stores to sell more and more stuff made in more and more factories in China, powered by more and more coal that would cause more and more climate change but earn China more and more dollars to buy more and more U.S. T-bills so America would have more and more money to build more and more stores and sell more and more stuff that would employ more and more Chinese ...

We can’t do this anymore.

And, for those visual learners:


Alyssa said...

I love that clip!! When he throws a way the ring and plays with the box it is reminds me of something I totally would've done as a kid =]. I wonder though if pixar wasn't headed somewhere with their depiction of us and our world in the future. Us being fat, lazy, completely dependent on technology, and, having trashed our planet, will we have to find other places to live soon?

Jennifer S. said...

I loved Wall-e. I agree with Alyssa, I started to laugh when he throws the ring out and plays with the box.these kind of things make me think, "is our future going to look like this", technology is what the world turns to for every day uses. Is this what the plant will look like in the future, completely trashed, we definitly need to start to think of other ways to protect our planet.

Anonymous said...

Oh Alyssa, I love our comments. And I fully feel that Disney was trying to say something with Wall-E. I love that entire movie! The sad thing is, society could potentially get to that point if we keep getting more lazy and accepting worse things more often. Humans are destined to find another planet to live on, but we still should keep earth a safe haven.

Unknown said...

I watched this movie, but it never crossed my mind that this is how it might be. Now im actually starting to think about it; could it really be possible that we can do this to the very own planet that we live in?

Alicia Godinez said...

This is an adorable movie! But it's sad to think that this may what our planet looks like someday. I dont want to think of my daughter living on our earth with all of that trash! It is time to start finding ways to save and help our planet.

Joanne K said...

I've never seen this movie, but I probably should. I think it's very possible that we are heading in this direction. When I go to the store and see all the boxes and plastic and stuff, it makes me think where all of it is going to end up, besides in the ocean.

Alyssa said...

I think it's interesting we all kind of agree on this...not that it doesn't seem inevitable =P but it is rather interesting is all.

Brittany8 said...

I love this movie, I got it for my nephews and they simply adore it. I think its an awesome view into the future if we keep going the way were going. I love the part with the fat humans in those chairs, i can see this happening. I honestly believe were trashing our world and if we continue to do so pixar will be right on with their prediction in this movie.

Tanner U. said...

I also agree. For the longest time Disney has been putting a moral to the story. And this was one of them. It shows us that we need to change and fast because China is and is coming up on us faster than you think!