Friday, February 06, 2009

Friedman on Immigration

Here's a great article on High Fences and Big Gates from TF.


scott said...

not bad I may need to youse some of these quotes in my paper. thank you Mr. P.

JCampos said...

Wow Friedman really had some good points. Your right Scott if i was writing on immigration there are a lot of quotes here! I agree with Friedman about something needing to be done! It has been 8 years almost since this all started sadly after 9/11. Friedman suggested a 1,000 dollar fine and a temp. 3 year stay. Only renewable once but after 6 years and if only all fines are paid, they can apply for citizenship. I like it! Get 'er done!

JCampos said...
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Juan CF said...

I can really use some of these quates for my paper i now it will help me so much or that's what i think.