Friday, February 06, 2009

How to Argue, Monty Python Style


Jonathan said...

So is this supposed to be an example of how to write a good paper? How do you write with a British accent...?

Anonymous said...

In order to write with a british accent you've got to spell things like the british do. Oh and you have to use words and phrases like "knickers","luv" and "Cheeky".:)

Lindsy M. said...

That video was hilarious. How old is this video? Is it from the 70's or something?

steve said...

Lindsy, You must and I mean MUST rent Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Monty Python contains some of the best and worst comedic writing of the 20th century.
Jonathan, John is right about using British words and spelling to pull off an accent. If you’re not sure how to spell something with a British accent, just try adding extra letters that serve no discernable use to the end of words. For instance, shop becomes shoppe, and dialog become dialogue. If that gets confusing at all, just try typing the words with your nose while your eyes are closed. If it makes no phonetical sense whatsoever, then you’re on the right track! For instance, draft becomes draught, and plow becomes plough. Oh and remember, if someone gives you a hard time about the unintelligible British spelling you’ve used, just call them a wanker and take yourself on holiday.

maryn said...

Thanks for the laugh Matt. I found your comments more interesting than the video. For you see most of my friends enjoy Monty Python and I have never developed an understanding of their humor. Am I missing something I am not so sure. :)

scott said...

pish posh spit spot me moms makin krumpets and my doxens up stairs sheep shaggin with the poly wog. "that is how you write like a brit."

Juan CF said...

I don't really understand how this video is gooing to help me write a better paper im just lost.