Friday, February 06, 2009

Marshmellow Test

It's Marshmallows.
But you shouldn't read this until you've done all your homework.
No. Really. Don't.


Lindsy M. said...

How many people have tried this experiment on your kids? If so, how did your child respond?

steve said...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Values are more important than perhaps anything else you can teach your kids. Honesty, character, patients, all of these things values that we must pass on to our children.

scott said...

mathew you are quite right. but by far the hardest thing to teach a kid is patientce. their very nature is impatient.

JLynn said...

Umm well I'm pretty sure I would have been one of those kids taking the marshmallow right away. So keep your eyes out to see if I get thrown into the slammer anytime soon.

JLynn said...

Umm well I'm pretty sure I would have been one of those kids to snatch up a marshmallow. Keep your eyes open to see if I make in to jail soon.

Juan CF said...

you need to start being there for your kids so when they grow up you don't have so much trouble with them. every kid can chance if they want.