Friday, February 20, 2009

West Valley Welcomes Walmart!

Ground breaking today.
Add another dot.


Anonymous said...

Yuck! Make the beast stop growing! It's too much to handle I can't take it! Must........Stop.........Walmart...aaaaaaaaaaah.

maryn said...

I did not know there were that many walmarts. I am still wondering how well the new walmart will do. I hope the "new jobs" it offers will be worth it.

Eric Manzo said...

That is to many Walmarts in this country if your like me and don't like walmart you should watch the documentary on walmart its called The High Cost of Low Prices. Then you will really dislike walmart.

scott said...

go to costco. it is awsome, and a pleasant place to be.... wait dont go to costco if everybody leaves walmart, and goes to costco, then costco will be the new walmart.

Unknown said...

I can't believe there are this many Wal-Mart’s in the United States. We really don't need any more. I don't like Wal-Mart but obviously many people do because of the low cost products they sell. It's amazing; Wal-Mart is going to take over all of our stores. No one will be able to compete. I really did not want the Wal-Mart building to start in West Valley, but it has begun.

Kirsten said...

Wow.....Wal-mart really is taking over the world....It would be interesting to see the increases in other stores such as Costco.

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of Walmarts and I agree with Jaime. We don't need any more of these stores. I don't like the idea of them building in West Valley because it will cause older businesses to struggle like Wrays Thriftway and Ace Hardware. Also, all of the people I know do not want the Walmart in the area.

Unknown said...

Wal Mart isn't that bad, yes, its packed with people most of the time, but i usually get groceries there because its convienent. When I lived in Florida, a few years ago, our Wal Mart was actually well kept and clean. Packed with people 24/7 yes, but not a bad place to shop. Still, I prefer to go to Target for anything that I can get from there, because it tends to be faster...

Melody said...

I think that walmart attracts a lot of the lower social classes. I do like walmart, but I dont shop there much because of the quality and because of the other people who shop there. I know this sounds kind of mean and inconsiderate, but a lot of the people who shop there are kind of weird. If I had to choose somewhere to shop, I agree with Scott, Costco would be the best place.

LindsyM. said...

This video make Walmart look like a disease. It's an epidemic that's taking over the world... Well at least most of the U.S.

Dianna said...

I will say this, I do shop at Walmart, but I dont like the actual store, though I do like their prices on most products. Walmart employs millions of people all around the world, just think that if their was no Walmart what the other store would be in its place because you know there would be one.

Dianna said...

Though Walmart does suck because as a daughter of a small business owner, my dad has lost sales, but up on repairs because of the competition. This is America though and there will always be competition among people, especially as the world grows flat.

Dianna said...

Also, Walmarts quality in some "fresh" products have gone down along with there prices, people will always shop where they want for best price and quality. I mean come one the store is open 24/7!!! I work nights and go to school during the day, its on my way home so thats alot of the reason why I shop there. If there is another store like that somewhere let me know!

Dianna said...

You think Walmart is bad look at McDonalds!!!! They are just like Starbucks on every corner. Unlike Walmart, McDonalds has horrible side effects obviously because of their food and what about coffee?! Its addicting! I dont hear of anyone complaining about those stores....

Dianna said...

Oh and Starbucks is coming out soon with a cup of coffee that is only a dollar...

TeslaRR said...

I watched a documentary on walmart once and it showed the effects it had on small business and its terrible. even those who sell their products to walmart go practically bankrupt because they are continuously asked to sell at lower and lower prices, making low, if any profits. Scott's right....GO TO COSTCO, they treat employees really well and their prices are fairly competitive.

kristine lefors said...

If Starbucks does charge a dollar for a cup of coffee it will be a mighty small cup of Joe! I don't like the whole walmart in west valley. I think they should just stick with one on the other side of town. We have many smaller businesses that won't be able to survive with a Walmart close by. Now soon we will be hearing big trucks round the clock bringing in new shipments. But it will put more low wage jobs in West Valley. But I still hate Walmart.

kristine lefors said...

scott is right we all need to shop at costco, but at the same time maybe if possible when the new walmart comes in just do your part and DON'T SHOP THERE!

Dave said...

I think this should remind us all the real power we have in where we spend our money. I think it is important to shop local and buy person to person when possible. The problem is people are addicted to convenience and immediate gratification.

Dianna said...

Kristine technically its like one of those pod coffee's, that you can make at home. SO you know that means less people driving or riding the bus to Starbucks, less people buying actual coffee at stores, less jobs, more unemployment....

Dianna said...

I have sooooo many different options on Walmart, but one thing I am sure on is that one Walmart in our valley is enough. Wont it bring down the prices in housing on that side on town too?

steve said...

Word Dave! That is what makes the Wal-Mart argument so irritating!! If Wal-Mart did not exist then you would shop somewhere else, so just pretend it doesn’t exist and shop somewhere else. Simple. It reminds me of a flight attendant I met once at a hotel. We somehow got into a conversation about global warming and she started telling me, vehemently, how much carbon damage was being done every time someone flies. “But you’re a flight attendant.” I said. To which she responded, “Yeah but people are going to fly anyway.” Everyone thinks that people will shop there anyway, but all those “persons” fail to consider the fact that they ARE people.

Luke said...

It's hard to find out exactly how to stop this.. I agree with whoever said it looked like a disease. The last few years has seen a lot of bad press for Wal-Mart from various documentary films, to Nickel and Dimed, even down to the bad press this West Valley Wal-Mart is getting from just about everywhere. Yet it hasn't deterred people from shopping there at all. A lot of us like to talk big, but when it comes down to it if Wal-Mart has the cheaper price and is closer we'll probably go there. Wal-Mart knows this, and they will capitalize on it as much as possible.

kayla said...

Costco is great. I love the pizza. Anyways, the whole walmart deal is crazy. In business we watched a movie about how walmart treats their employees horribly, so I am no longer a fan. Also they usually make local businesses fail and that can hurt the city.

tonya said...

i dont always agree with what walmart does or stands for but the way our economy is doing now, it is the cheapest place to buy most things. its kinda feeding the beast though

JLynn said...

This is crazy. Why do we need so many freakin Wal-Marts? I really hate that store.

Brandon Root said...

When i lived in Spokane i went to Walmart with my roommate all the time because he was always buying movies. I didn't think that Walmart was that terrible, i mean i heard everything about how the employees are treated, but they are the ones who took that job, and i am sure most of them should just be happy with having a job.

Dianna said...

Yes, they are the ones that took the job, they can quit, but its nice to have a job aint it!!! Like I said before, if Walmart was a Shopko, Shopko would be the Walmart. Get it?

Alycia said...

Going off what Brandon posted- I also havent really looked into the whole "Walmart scandel" so to speak. I have been a few times, but don't like the crammed parking lots or the mass amounts of people that seem to be there regardless of the hour at night or day. However, being from West Valley, I can say having a Walmart will make transportation horrible, and will crush such stores at Wray's Thriftway lose what they have worked so hard to gain.